Plus the attempted attacker hit the father first, so the father can claim self defense.All someone's got to do is set up a Gofundme thingy like that fired FBI guy seems to be enjoying.
Plus the attempted attacker hit the father first, so the father can claim self defense.All someone's got to do is set up a Gofundme thingy like that fired FBI guy seems to be enjoying.
Oh,well I didn't hear about that part.Things may not be so bad for the guy then.Plus the attempted attacker hit the father first, so the father can claim self defense.
I read the whole story...don't care. I don't want a man's DNA in the same bathroom as my daughter.
A male knows he doesn't belong in the girl's bathroom but chooses to go in anyways...reeps what he sows...kind of like do the crime do the time.Lmao so you imagine up things to confirm your opinion and when someone facts checks them you ignore them.
Your original claim was that she wanted to peek at girls.
She only used the staff restroom and one time used the girls' restroom. Also what preteen is going to change their life for YEARS to peek at girls?
I find it interesting that you "don't care" (your words) that a child received death threats and abusive language was used to the point a school had to be closed for two days, to say the least. IThe students had no issues. She did not create this issue. The parents did.