Agreed, I mean everything's wussified now, and sense has been replaced with freaking out over nothing.We should just make america not so much of a p$!#% anymore. A boy is joking around with his friend and says he's gonna kill him for being stupid. Back then the teacher would tell them to stop messing around and get back to their work. Now they call the cops.
False religion .
Religion doesn't make people do anything, it is the evil wants that cause people to do things, the darkness within.
Blaming God for that is like blaming spoons for making people fat.
A male knows he doesn't belong in the girl's bathroom but chooses to go in anyways...reeps what he sows...kind of like do the crime do the time.
Actually I do care, the boy should be expelled from school. They gave him his own bathroom and he choose to ignore it.
IN THE ARTICLE it says he had a habit of looking over the stalls at girls.Dang are you in need of some help. I guess death threats are okay now because a transgender child used the bathroom.
Kind of obvious you didn't read the article. She couldn't find the bathroom in time so she used the girls' bathroom.
Them and the NFL are trying to hide it to keep viewership.ESPN TAKES A KNEE!......
ESPN has decided not to show the National Anthem portion of their NFL game telecasts this season."Our plan going into this year is to not broadcast the anthem.".....explained network president Jimmy Pitaro.
ESPN has decided not to show the National Anthem portion of their NFL game telecasts this season."Our plan going into this year is to not broadcast the anthem.".....explained network president Jimmy Pitaro
hello; I read an article about this. ESPN tried to make it seem they had other reasons than the controversy over anthem protests such as more time dedicated to the game, but yeah they took a knee.Them and the NFL are trying to hide it to keep viewership.
They lost mine and many others, they don't even have the spine to give real reasons,for not playing the anthem on t.v, they must be invertebrates by now,no backboneThem and the NFL are trying to hide it to keep viewership.
ESPN has decided not to show the National Anthem portion of their NFL game telecasts this season."Our plan going into this year is to not broadcast the anthem.".....explained network president Jimmy Pitaro.