Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The u.n is rather untrustworthy, remember it was formed in part by a "former"nazi, and for goodness sake stop twisting words! No gummies for you today

What does one person from 80 years ago have to do with the UN? And it's not just the UN who says it's illegal.
Also, you literally said this and you accuse me of "twisting words"?
Israel is one of the few friends the western world can claim as loyal, whereas the Arabians are noted for:
I did not know that squirrels could carry mad cow decease.
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I did not know that either.That reminds me of armadillos which are said to be potential carriers of leprosy.
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yup, found that one strange also. least thats easily curable.
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What does one person from 80 years ago have to do with the UN? And it's not just the UN who says it's illegal.
Also, you literally said this and you accuse me of "twisting words"?
I wouldn't trust a nazis rules while he's alive, why would I follow or trust them when he's dead? Seriously every time someone truly wicked appears, your quick to take their side, do you aspire to be wicked? So far you've argued for slavery, pimping, nazis, and destroying people's rights, please quit trolling.

I did not know that squirrels could carry mad cow decease.
Technically it's not called mad cow when it occurs in squirrels
I wouldn't trust a nazis rules while he's alive, why would I follow or trust them when he's dead? Seriously every time someone truly wicked appears, your quick to take their side, do you aspire to be wicked? So far you've argued for slavery, pimping, nazis, and destroying people's rights, please quit trolling.

*Eyeroll* The UN is more than just one person bright one. You seem to not understand that 193 nations (not including 2 observer states) make up the UN. Feel free to keep on reciting Fox News talking points about how Spanky is a genius for being hostile to the UN. Seriously, you blab about how Israel are our buddies and X bad things the "Arabs" (which is a super broad term again) do like they're a monolithic entity and you call me crazy. Also, I never argued for slavery, I said Prostitution and Slavery are Apples to Oranges. And about "destroying people's rights" I explained the person's viewpoint instead of bashing a strawman. I never apologized for Nazism. You must have a lot of friends with all these accusations you throw around.
What does one person from 80 years ago have to do with the UN? And it's not just the UN who says it's illegal.
Also, you literally said this and you accuse me of "twisting words"?

The UN doesn't decide what is legal or illegal in sovereign nations. It might shout, grind its teeth and babble, but it has zero enforcement. Using the word "illegal" is simply virtue signalling.

The UN doesn't care about people being killed in almost any spot in the world except Israel. And any laws that it might hope to enforce, are unenforceable because they choose to ignore the most egregious examples and instead pick those of enemies.
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The UN doesn't decide what is legal or illegal in sovereign nations. It might shout, grind its teeth and babble, but it has zero enforcement. Using the word "illegal" is simply virtue signalling.

Being a Sovereign Nation doesn't give you a free ticket to do whatever you want. I'm not sure what not having enforcement has to do with legality. The ICJ (international court of Justice) has ruled Israel's actions illegal several times.
The UN doesn't care about people being killed in almost any spot in the world except Israel. And any laws that it might hope to enforce, are unenforceable because they choose to ignore the most egregious examples and instead pick those of enemies.

The UN doesn't decide what is legal or illegal in sovereign nations. It might shout, grind its teeth and babble, but it has zero enforcement. Using the word "illegal" is simply virtue signalling.

The UN doesn't care about people being killed in almost any spot in the world except Israel. And any laws that it might hope to enforce, are unenforceable because they choose to ignore the most egregious examples and instead pick those of enemies.
Being a Sovereign Nation doesn't give you a free ticket to do whatever you want. I'm not sure what not having enforcement has to do with legality. The ICJ (international court of Justice) has ruled Israel's actions illegal several times.

Seriously? You can't just grab a bunch of people and start declaring things illegal, for example let's say Alex invites 100 random people over in Somewhere, Idaho he and his buddies make a law proclaiming that the democratic republic of the Congo can't have rocks, they proclaim rocks illegal there, they can proclaim it all they want, but it still will not have any authority.