One day we might go south. We talk about it all the time.
I’m real sick of -20+ below winters. Before I had a sunroom I got seasonal depression just from the lack of sun light.
My biggest problem with moving is moving away from family. I don’t see them a lot, but I’d never see them if we moved states away. But one day....
Winter depression is real. Where do you live now ?
We had the same concerns with the family. When we decided NYC was just not a place we wanted to raise our family florida came up...then we considered the fam. Chose delaware since its only 3 hrs away, now we regret not just going to fla. The move to DE was good for us though it showed us that we can do it (being away from the family)
Southern Minnesota. Winter temps the past 5yrs or so have been brutal. Maybe it’s because we moved from living in the center of town to living in open country. Winds out here are so harsh we can’t put snow fencing up because it rips it right back down. We’ve had Tposts hammered down 12”+ snap at ground level. Just nuts.
So are plans in the works for moving then?
I won’t plan to move till my kids are grown and our parents are gone. I’m very close to my mom and my husband is really close with his dad, so I’d rather us enjoy all the years we can with them.
I'll never forget north dakota. I had to work outside. It was -10 with a 60mph wind in Nov. The freaking plane was sliding sideways getting to the runway
Gosh that would be scary.
I use to work in a warehouse for a shipping company. It the winter our water bottles would freeze while we worked. I wore 5 or so T-shirt’s and 3-4 hoodies under my coat. Haha. I can’t imagine actually working outside. At least in the building we were away from the wind.