So here I am, reconfiguring a transformer.
Well, actually disassembling it.
By removing some unneeded windings, I can make room to add 8 turns to the secondary winding. The laminations all have to come off, as individual bits. (“E”s and bars, as seen on the bench.)
Bumping the winding up from 44 to 52 turns will raise output voltage from 32 volts to ~38.2 volts. This will allow charging all 3 boat batteries at once.
I have it all re-wound and insulated now, and I am carefully reinstalling all the laminations.
Well, actually disassembling it.
By removing some unneeded windings, I can make room to add 8 turns to the secondary winding. The laminations all have to come off, as individual bits. (“E”s and bars, as seen on the bench.)
Bumping the winding up from 44 to 52 turns will raise output voltage from 32 volts to ~38.2 volts. This will allow charging all 3 boat batteries at once.
I have it all re-wound and insulated now, and I am carefully reinstalling all the laminations.