Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I think I might have to have one of those KFC Double Downs tomorrow.
6 km walking taking measurements of gravity and magnetics.... doing the same tomorrow for resistivity and then seismics on Thursday... this valley will be surveyed... it's a totally flat glacial valley in the lake district, but we are miles away from the nearest lake...
Another dog shooting, here locally.

Owners are so blind. The Police were in the street when the dog charged them and animal control has been called 33 times against this dog for terrorizing the neighbors yet the owner says he was peaceful.

I heard about the animal control calls on the radio.

AUSTIN, Texas -- The Austin Police Department (APD) is investigating after two officers shot and killed a pit bull in East Austin.

According to the APD watch commander, police were responding to an auto theft call on the 4000 block of Prock Lane, just off of Springdale Road around 8:30 p.m. According to police, the officers shot and killed the dog after it charged at the officers.

Police say the officers were in the street and that they had yet to walk onto the property.

The owner of the dog tells KVUE the dog was docile, and it was just barking at the officers.

"[The dog] was just barking at them. [That's] what dogs do [bark at them]. That's all he was doing just barking, [the dog] wasn't trying to attack his leg or anything," said dog owner Margie Rodriguez.

The shooting is under investigation.
Hmmm, the dog may have just been barking but a pit loose is a scary sight for most people. I can sense people tensing up just from seeing me walk mine on a leash. Wrong place wrong time without more details
Honestly cops are too quick to shoot dogs, they have tasers and pepper spray that easily could have scared it off/disabled it then it could of had a proper behavior evaluation. Especially in the street, raiding some dog fighting house is different but a single dog in the street no matter what breed shouldn't induce lethal action.

Hell there's a good chance the dog was just running up to say hello

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How can you say regardless of what breed? All dogs are not created equally and should not be treated the same. Dogs should not be loose. 33 different calls on one dog is insane. Sounds like owners failed to control it but wanna cry foul play now?
33 different calls on one dog is insane. Sounds like owners failed to control it but wanna cry foul play now?

This. Most of the time policemen are way too quick to shoot dogs and I'm against people saying stuff like "all pitbulls are bad, pitbulls on the loose need to be shot" but if the dog has caused trouble over 30 times.. would be interesting to know if all those calls came from the same people or different groups of people.
Haven't found any info if all the calls were from the same's some more detail

Lt. Michael Eveleth says it happened as officers were responding to an auto theft call in the 4000 block of Prock Lane, just off of Springdale Road, around 8:30 p.m. on April 18.

The lieutenant says the officers saw the dog "aggressively barking" and asked a man in the yard to secure him but there was no time. Roscoe escaped through a hole in the fence and charged towards the officers.

One officer fired his gun and knocked Roscoe down. When Roscoe got back up and went towards another officer, police say the second officer took aim, fired and killed the Pit Bull.

Eveleth says the video shows it's obvious that the dog was aggressive, making a "bee line" for the officers.

They are claiming to release the video soon.