I have a red texas. And did research. They are a mix of both the flower horn and a texas. They are rearly red. Mine is a orange and blue color. But they are working on makeing the red more dominate as since a fairly new line of fish.
Flower horn classic kamfa
hola amigos, aqui les enseño las primeras crias que se ha reproducido con exito en Lima - Peru , por lo menos en lo que investigue no hay historial de crias nacidas en peru antes de esta fecha, asi que con la felicidad que me llena puedo decir que muestro a todos las primeras crias logradas en Peru , espero les guste , fue toda una bobita experiencia poder mirar paso a paso este proceso y aprender mucho.
Hello friends, here I show you the first puppies that have been reproduced with success in Lima - Peru, at least in what I investigate there is no record of pups born in Peru before this date, so with the happiness that fills me I can say That I show all the first breeds achieved in Peru, I hope you like it, it was a complete experience to be able to watch this process step by step and learn a lot.
bueno estas son fotos de mis crias a edad de dos a tres meses , tuve 20 crias logradas de un total de 400 crias, para los mas interasados dejare un link para que puedan leer toda mi historia con estos pequeños, y porque solo pude sobrevivir a 20 crias, tambien luego seguire publicando mas fotos de cuando tenian 5 y 6 meses, y hasta la actualidad hoy julio del 2017 . saludos .
Well these are pictures of my young at the age of two to three months, I had 20 pups from a total of 400 pups, for the most interested I will leave a link so they can read my whole story with these little ones, and because I could only survive 20 puppies, I will also continue to post more pictures of when they were 5 and 6 months old, and until today, July 2017. Greetings .