ok what exactly is a "rainbow" flowerhorn ?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Cmon guys STOP bashing SuperG... I would love to get my hands on some of those amazing Rainbow Flowerhorns he has for sale. I wish I could have gotten in on the Respectomaticretardolicioustransformer fish he was selling last year but sadly I missed out.

Side note:
I think Cam has some good info he puts out there. Sometimes a little harsh but at least its correct information and hes not just typing random crap like a lot of people do in the hybrid section... He may not be breeding MP's but IMO it don't take a breeder to know whats right and wrong with FH.
Camphilophus;3760142; said:
No offense taken I just think you must take more time looking at my post count than you do reading my actual posts or else you'd know I don't think I'm the god of all cichlids. There's a lot of noobs to be pushed around in the hybrid forum that don't know any better but that's the only way to get through to them. There's also a lot of noobs to be ripped off, that's where Gary (odassa catfish aka super g) comes in to play. I'm not trying to breed any flowerhorns right now but if I was it wouldn't be the garbage fish this guy puts together and calls them flowerhorn. If you like this guys fish cool but they are nowhere near the quality you should expect in a flowerhorn at today's day in age.

My problem with odassa catfish is that he is that he's supposed to be banned but because of all the retarded stuff he posted on his old username (super g for all the mods who know how to read) and he re-registers under a new email and comes back on here at random one day and starts posting the same garbage and gets away with it.

I'm offering KML fry for $10 picked up, king kamfas for $20 and super g is offering what he calls a flowerhorn for $10 a fry. Go buy a few of his fry for $10 and come back in a year and compare them to the ones I'm offering for $10. I'll be happy to laugh in your face at that time when Gary sells you another fish under a false name. I remember in your old thread after he sold you some "thai kamfa" that were some low grade zz's and you got mad after everybody told you what they really were LOL.

I see the group buy you have coming in and i would be in on it to but i am out of the country. Yes the fish you have coming in are better quality then his fish and that thread about the kamfas the fish did not come from G. I know a high quality flowerhorn now when i see one them days are over were i am buying bull**** trust that.All mine are imported now But looking at some of your flowerhorns when you first got into FH i see you went through the same learning curves like i did judge by the quality of your FH lol. But I feel you on pushing the noobs around it make them research more and choose what they are posting. But hope you have fun with the new ones you get and keep us posted on the ICL you got cant wait to see how he turns out.
Not to derail the thread or anything but here are the rainbow pics again for anyone interested in what they might look like @ this point.
They are changing every day :D more pics to come
Gary you can breed what you want and sell it for what ever price you want. I understand you can like what you want to like and I can like what I like. Just stay out of my threads and don't take credit for fish that aren't yours. I don't want you spamming your garbage fries in my group buy.

The fish you bred look like trimacs without flowerlines they're very ugly. If you can sell them good for you but stay out of my threads until you have fry that look like this..

I'm not trying to flood the market with garbage. Why do you think I have a group buy going on for all the locals. Would you like to order some fry? I'd rather you be breeding these than what you have now. I'm not just talking crap these are good quality fish you'd be better off breeding these. Those KML produce amazing fry if you want a pair you can pick them up in Howell for $20 and pick them out yourself.

if not keep breeding stuff that looks like this

and let me know how that goes..
holy **** best fry that ive ever seen EVER!!!!! 35$ at an inch id sell em for if they were mine
The fish in the pictures are changing every day. Like most flowerhorns. Just wait

6months to a year down the road :WHOA::WHOA::WHOA::WHOA:


I dont want to take sides or anything but i recently purchased a rainbow flower horn from super g id say so far so good for ten bucks.I also got a thai red which im unsure what exactly that is but i paid 60 for a 4" and he is worth it.My buddy bought a respectocon or what ever the **** it is.id say real fancy hrp for 20 bucks.it was a beautiful fish i bred her with a hrp/con and got a ton of leuistics out of that batch.Super G if you read this answer a few of those ?'s for me about the thai red.pics of parents.And also was that a pic of a full grown leuistic if so you got any more pics.But for everyone else thats my experience with gary ill keep you guys updated on my rainbow flowerhorn