Oldest Synodontis velifer?


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA


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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
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Goliath Tigerfish
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Oct 13, 2014
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Feeder Fish
Mar 1, 2018
Hi, just joined this great forum. Very interested in your conversations regarding the lovely Synodontis Velifer, which on reading quite a few posts on quite a few forums, are often wrongly identified. Having retired and suffered a few physical problems, I returned to fish keeping a few years ago and keep a very happy communal tank, with everything from neon, cities, Siamese algae eaters, filament barbs, gouramies, one large Angel, and two synodontis, which I purchased from a local aquarium store about 8 monhs ago. They were young, about 2 inches long, and were described as Synodontis Velifer. I purchased two and introduced them to my tank. They promptly dived behind a large piece of bogwood, and we didn' see them again for a month. They were obviously feeding at night, but I was so disappointed and regarded them as a waste of tank space and regretted my purchase. However, they gradually started to come out, rather cautiously, but are now out and about during the day, enjoying comical escapades, chasing each other and are a delight to watch. They are now around 5 to 6 inches long and are no problem to other fish, even the neon. I have uploaded a picture of one of my lovely fish and would welcome your opinion as to their identification. I have been told that they are unlikely to be Velifer as they are very rarely found in a commercial outlet. Either way I think they are awsome and thinking of introducing more synodontis.


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Hi, just joined this great forum. Very interested in your conversations regarding the lovely Synodontis Velifer, which on reading quite a few posts on quite a few forums, are often wrongly identified. Having retired and suffered a few physical problems, I returned to fish keeping a few years ago and keep a very happy communal tank, with everything from neon, cities, Siamese algae eaters, filament barbs, gouramies, one large Angel, and two synodontis, which I purchased from a local aquarium store about 8 monhs ago. They were young, about 2 inches long, and were described as Synodontis Velifer. I purchased two and introduced them to my tank. They promptly dived behind a large piece of bogwood, and we didn' see them again for a month. They were obviously feeding at night, but I was so disappointed and regarded them as a waste of tank space and regretted my purchase. However, they gradually started to come out, rather cautiously, but are now out and about during the day, enjoying comical escapades, chasing each other and are a delight to watch. They are now around 5 to 6 inches long and are no problem to other fish, even the neon. I have uploaded a picture of one of my lovely fish and would welcome your opinion as to their identification. I have been told that they are unlikely to be Velifer as they are very rarely found in a commercial outlet. Either way I think they are awsome and thinking of introducing more synodontis.
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Welcome to the MFK!

Great story and thank you for sharing. I think your synodontis are eupterus. Still young. Hence, a bit awkward proportions, albeit could be for other reasons, because they are cheaply mass farmed too for ornamental fish trade.

I am glad you gave them a chance. Fish behavior often changes with age and size.

I think you should make your own thread on your fish / tank and update it every now and then. That'd be more fair to you and your tank.