One tank and loving it.


MFK Member
Jun 12, 2008
I finally sold my 125 gallon last week. So now I only have one 60 gallon tank, not including the turtle tank. I am loving it! My love for my hobby has become stronger now that I have more time to enjoy watching my jack dempsey's interact. I almost though i was close to leaving the hobby because I felt like I wasn't able to keep up with the 125 gallon. I don't think I am completely done with multiple tanks but I will never own a tank bigger then a 75 gallon. Huge tanks just are not for me. Lol... I almost feel like I should be banned from this forum. Am I the only one who prefer tanks that are 75 gallons and under?

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You got to do whatever it takes to stay in the hobby.
I've had burnout too.
Glad you are able to enjoy the fish now.
About 10 years ago, I went from about 30 tanks down to one big one, it really revitalized my interest.
Then after about a 5 year break, I started setting up more tanks again..
At least for me, interest comes in cycles, and it's nice to take a break and scale down sometimes


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
I finally sold my 125 gallon last week. So now I only have one 60 gallon tank, not including the turtle tank. I am loving it! My love for my hobby has become stronger now that I have more time to enjoy watching my jack dempsey's interact. I almost though i was close to leaving the hobby because I felt like I wasn't able to keep up with the 125 gallon. I don't think I am completely done with multiple tanks but I will never own a tank bigger then a 75 gallon. Huge tanks just are not for me. Lol... I almost feel like I should be banned from this forum. Am I the only one who prefer tanks that are 75 gallons and under?

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Welcome to the 1 tank club. I went as high as 26 tanks(in 1995) then decided it was too much work. I slowly over the next 5-8 years reduced it. I do have one outside mini-pond(Not even sure if the rosys are still alive) and the 75 inside. However, I wish the tank inside was bigger. When I had my 190, I loved it(A broken seal doomed it).


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 24, 2014
Under The Sea
personally it doesnt matter the size of the tank as long as you have passion for the hobby. ive seen breath taken 10g full planted/shrimp to a barebotttom 210 all depends that still looks nice .best part about the hobby it all up to you.