ThanksYou can get rid of a large number of snails by putting in greens like lettuce - and then removing it with a lot of snails on it (zuc also work well). However ultimately the key to getting rid of snails is to not over feed; the more extra food in the aquarium the more food. In any event every vendor i mentioned the plants came with snail the ONE exception is tissue culture. The disadvantage of tissue cultures is the plants start small and need a more initial care; however i'm fairly happy with aquariumfactoryplant selection of tissue culture. Having said that any major vendor tissue should be equally free of pests; of course buying 5 tissue and one non-tissue will put you back where you are and if your aquarium is already infected with snails it doesn't matter much what you do (i.e, buying plants with or without snails is unlikely to have a huge impact on your snail population).