Spinosaur fossil records are fairly incomplete after the first near complete fossil was destroyed in germany in ww2. In some cases I think feathers would be helpful for a dinosaur, such as colder areas. But creatures such as velociraptors (believed to live in desert) would most likely not have feathers if they were COLD blooded, if WARM blooded feathers could help insulate feathers.
I would also like to believe that full feathers most likely were not prevelant full body, but a cover of 'fluff' on juvenile dinos (especially therapods) might of helped survival rate.
I own no dinosaur fossils, but do have prehistoric shark teeth from southern america from 60-70 mya and squid cases in black granite (3" and 6")
also I have a box of fossils containing large chunks of ammonite fossils,a few small whole ones, about +-70 2" squid cases and feww small shark teeth.
my faviourite bits are a 5mm ammonite, 3mm tooth, a small ammonitr chunk with pyrites in and some rock with aquatic plant imprints.
all of that was collected on the east coast of England
Would oddball mind if I post some pics?