• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Opinions on sexing this Rotkeil Severum

Here is an older pic of my pair when my male was not as old and his facial markings were not as prominent. The male is on the right and female on the left.

Severums 4-15-11 007.jpg
Sorry, I am just messing around. I have experience with severums but not as much as the other guys that posted. I keep centrals. Listen to them (that's why I "changed" my mind).

You need to quit post whoring/spamming unhelpful rubbish.

Its 1 zillion percent a male, as is the red spot severum posted aswell, only males get the facial markings in Efaciatus, Rotkeils and a few others, the only time i have seen facial 'spotting' and not 'worm markings' on a female Sev is on certain types of Severus.
You need to quit post whoring/spamming unhelpful rubbish, i keep seeing it from you.

Its 1 zillion percent a male, as is the red spot severum posted aswell, only males get the facial markings in Efaciatus, Rotkeils and a few others, the only time i have seen facial 'spotting' and not 'worm markings' on a female Sev is on certain types of Severus.

Really? You have any posts that have been stickied bud? I do more for this site in a month than you have your entire time here. Go back to your overstocked 75 gallon and if you have a problem with me take it up in a PM, Mr. HYBRID.