• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

ordering from myhomenature.com

Some of the prices are insane at face value. 4 roseline sharks for $18? That’s insane. When you look into it you’ll see that they’re about 1 inch long each which explains the cost somewhay but still. I’m rather leery of the site. Some things are priced on par of what I’d expect but it feels too good to be true. 5 red lizard whiptail catfish for $20. Normally 1 is $20 if you know where to look. These are 1-2 inches long which would explain it.
I just wonder what their shipping is like....

If this site turns out to be legit then my tanks might just get a bit more stocked... maybe..
Ouch, $80 shipping. Eh, I could very easily make that back with the savings should 100% of fish survive that is.
The real question is just what is the likelihood of fish surviving the trip from china to me? I’m tempted to make an order just to find out but I don’t fancy spending $90+ just to find out. At least at the moment.
Do they have like an offer where it's free shipping if the order is $100-$150 or more? A lot of sites have that.
I doubt it and even if they did to make up for $80 shipping I would expect the number to be like $400 or higher. I’ll check though.
Did yall get an answer?
Not yet but I’ll show the reply if I get one.
I said we would be in the us and asked for a number that would equal to free shipping, exact number or ball park.