Orders from myhomenature.com

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ahh I knew there was a reason behind it. You see, I believe you only looked at the page listing "shrimp an clayfishes" (yes they literally have it written as clayfishes instead of cray fishes) but didn't click on the shrimp posting itself. If you did then you would have seen "choose a quantity" Those prices are for 6 shrimp. The amano shrimp price is a bit high for us in america where we typically pay $3 a shrimp for amanao shrimp but I say that the price increase is due to geographical differences. We in america may be able to pay $10 for a senegal bichir but if you go to australia the price is over $100 I believe. We have a member who lives there and talked about bichirs but I can't remember his username to sve the life of me...... TwoHedWlf TwoHedWlf ?
That makes a lot more sense. I just paid $5 each for my amanos now since they're only starting to be imported now. I believe you are looking for Ogertron3000 Ogertron3000 ;)
So did you read the description on the blenny? It says freshwater but it then says its collected in the ocean around Japan and lives in oyster shells. Thats a saltwater fish. Did I miss something? Oysters dont grow in fresh water.
Hoping for the best overall but have some serious doubts. Good luck!
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I have read the description of the blenny more times than you would believe. From what I've gathered it is my understanding that this fish is actually a saltwater fish. I am imagining that they are ok in freshwater for short periods of time. How short is short? I don't know. I'm hoping to set up my first saltwater tank for him should everything go according to plan.
I have read the description of the blenny more times than you would believe. From what I've gathered it is my understanding that this fish is actually a saltwater fish. I am imagining that they are ok in freshwater for short periods of time. How short is short? I don't know. I'm hoping to set up my first saltwater tank for him should everything go according to plan.
It'll be cool if it works out. Quite a few things I'd be interested in on their site.
It'll be cool if it works out. Quite a few things I'd be interested in on their site.
I know, I actually did the math once and I could have spent over $10,000 within 5 pages if I got the species I wanted in the quantity I wanted and I wasn't even going crazy, just about 6 of each. If this site is legitimate then the hobby will have found a new way to get a lot of new species that we in america haven't gotten the chance to get before.
This thread is meant to talk about your experiences with ordering from them. This site has just recently popped up on the site's radar and as a result no one here has ordered from them. As far as I'm aware I am the first one. I am paving the way for everyone else to see if they want to make an order from this site. If it goes wrong then the people who read this will know and can take it into consideration. The same as for if this order goes well.

I have just put in an order at 10:05pm eastern standard time for the following fish from myhomenature.com

1x Dark sleeper goby, Odotobutis obscurus

1x Freshwater top hat blenny, Omobranchus fasciolatoceps

1x Siniperca obscura, Siniperca loona wu

The following link is to a thread where this site was discussed beforehand.

GeorgeHaddaway15 GeorgeHaddaway15 Leo Messi Leo Messi thebiggerthebetter thebiggerthebetter Blakewater Blakewater spencer0t spencer0t EntoStentor EntoStentor L Leo1234 K krichardson Akeno071 Akeno071 altums85 altums85 piranhaman00 piranhaman00 S Sarlindescent J jaws7777 tlindsey tlindsey kno4te kno4te C Chicxulub fishtankphil fishtankphil Gourami Swami Gourami Swami twentyleagues twentyleagues MrsE88 MrsE88 Gage Zamrzla Gage Zamrzla pops pops Hendre Hendre Ulu Ulu JK47 JK47 Lepisosteus Lepisosteus necrocanis necrocanis neoprodigy neoprodigy Fat Homer Fat Homer Backfromthedead Backfromthedead esoxlucius esoxlucius Oddball Oddball RD. RD.

There are people that I have forgotten to @ simply because there are so many members, if your username is not up here then I likely forgot you and did not leave you out on purpose.

If I have @ you and you have not yet expressed any acknowledgement of the site then I did so because I thought you might be interested in following along and seeing how it goes.

If you wish to have nothing to do with this thread, the orders that will take place, or the site, then please forgive me.
They have an interesting array of fish for sale and the prices are not half bad on many of them. Def let us know how it went with ur order....
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The Blenny is a fish I considered for my brackish tank, but it is already populated.

I believe they can go back and forth as they feed or breed.

I dumped my FW mollies and guppies in brackish and their offspring back to FW with zero effects**.
Clearly they breed better with high salt (~0.010) and the Blenny may as well.

I'm raising these side by side in FW and Brackish to see what happens.
So far nothing different.

**Well some were consumed by the monos….
I'd like to make it clear what my expectations are for this order as I will be judging this experience off of these criteria.
Do they send the fish?
Do the fish arrive alive?
What is the customer service like?
Tracking number?
How are the fish packed?
And finally, how are the fish themselves when they arrive?

I'll show pictures of the fish when they arrive, tell you how any conversations I have with them go, and show any emails exchanged between me and them.
I'd like to make it clear what my expectations are for this order as I will be judging this experience off of these criteria.
Do they send the fish?
Do the fish arrive alive?
What is the customer service like?
Tracking number?
How are the fish packed?
And finally, how are the fish themselves when they arrive?

I'll show pictures of the fish when they arrive, tell you how any conversations I have with them go, and show any emails exchanged between me and them.
Have u received any reply or info about ur order from them?
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