Oscar diet

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 31, 2005
Houston, Texas
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to hear some of you guys feeding habits on oscars, jacks. I've been feeding mine Hikari excel and Hikari gold pellets. However, once a week I feed them about 2 dozen rosey reds. Should I be concerned about introducing disease to my tank. I've been doing this for a while now and I haven't had any issues before. How common is this with feeder fish. What other foods do you all recommend. Thanks.
cabouta1 said:
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to hear some of you guys feeding habits on oscars, jacks. I've been feeding mine Hikari excel and Hikari gold pellets. However, once a week I feed them about 2 dozen rosey reds. Should I be concerned about introducing disease to my tank. I've been doing this for a while now and I haven't had any issues before. How common is this with feeder fish. What other foods do you all recommend. Thanks.

you run the risk of disease with using them rosey reds, only takes one bad one to kill or cause a problem.

hmmmmm other tha that diet looks good, try crickets, bloodworms, market prawns, hell even some fish meat like salmon or trout.
My fish love live food, all of them do, but to avoid feeders what I do is go to a local fishing store and pickup some earth-worms, shrimp, or something along those lines. Cheap and effective. :)
Yeah, avoid feeders unless you breed your own. Even then...don't feed them all to often. Oscars actually eat insects only. Crayfish (not wild ones) are fun. You can also use mealworms, waxworms, earthworms, shrimp, insects...all kinda of live stuff. Just make sure it comes from a safe place. As for non-living food...I feed Hikari Staple, Wardley cichlid flakes, Omega-one shrimp pellets and krill, frozen bloodworms, algae wafers....all kinds of stuff.
rosey reds are good as well as the pellets if your oscar is large try putting 3-4in crayfish u well love the results your oscar will get full and lay at the bottom and rest .
I just notice I said in my last post that oscars eat insects only. I know thats not true, I must have forgot what I was typeing. LOL...they eat mostly insects and inverts but not only insects.