Oscar help

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Phages are any bacterial, of protozoal agents that cause disease, (as said above), they are adapted by evolution to survive best in certain water parameters,

If you take a fish such as a oscar that has adapted to resist soft water pathogens (phages) and keep it in soft, with a low nitrate low pH water concentration, and keep it in a tank with that water , it has a good change of living a healthy life.
If you take that same oscar, and put it in hard, high pH water, with a high nitrate concentration (from last luster water changes), odds are not so good that it will lead a heathy existence over time.

Choosing fish that are adapted to your tap water parameters, will assure your success, but that means that doing a little research about the fish you choose, goes hand in hand.
If your tap water is hard, and has a high pH, choosing a cichlid from the hard, high pH water of either Central America, or the rift lakes of Africa will be a probably winning proposition (as long as you keep up with water changes).

But... choosing a Ram, or Uaru fernandezyepezi, (or Colombian oscar) will most likely be an exercise in futility over time (if you have hard, high pH tap water).

So....Just because you want a certain fish, doesn't mean your water conditions will allow it.

I have always wanted to keep Uaru fernandezyepezi , which prefers low pH (4) very soft, mineral free water.

My water in all the places I have lived), has always been around 8, and mineral rich.
So trying to keep that species, without significantly altering my tap water, would be best case scenario, delusional.
Over time, I have found that my best case scenario is to keep Central American, hard water, high pH speces, with the tap water I am dealt with.
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Thank you very much for the information. His tank that he is in and going in has low ph and I have a water softener so I can properly care for him
Hey guys, just set up my Oscar and his 125 gallon but I noticed that there is a lot of algae in the tank and I was wondering if there is a good algae eater to put in with him other than a pleco it is also a planted tank, so this algae needs to be able to eat the algae off the plants
Can we have photos of it? There are different types of Algae and some algae eaters aren’t really proficient in eating certain types.
This photo isn’t as bad as it usually is since I scrubbed the algae off of some of the plants earlier
That looks like diatoms. They are fairly common in new tanks. Snails would be a better bet for a low waste algae water (trumpet snails, pond snails, ramshorn). Most plecos aren’t super efficient and produce a lot of waste (fueling more algae growth than they remove).
One of the few exceptions is the bristlenose pleco - they are really good workers.
Nothing really replaces your own hands though.