Oscar skin peeling of

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 21, 2020
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrite?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrate?
40 ppm
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every two weeks
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
So I noticed 2 days ago that my Oscar has a part in his head that is peeling the skin off. All the other fish are doing great! The Oscar eats well and I had it for over 4 months no issues; could it be a scrape from the rocks or branches? Don’t think it’s HITH…. or is it? All parameters are 0 except for nitrate at 40 ppm…


The nitrate level is my fault, I did a water change on Saturday and replaced the carbon and the filter cartridges….I know. Big mistake, but didn’t change the biowheels from the 2 emperor 400 filters that I have. I will do a 50% water change again, the tank has been running for over a year no problems
The nitrate level is my fault, I did a water change on Saturday and replaced the carbon and the filter cartridges….I know. Big mistake, but didn’t change the biowheels from the 2 emperor 400 filters that I have. I will do a 50% water change again, the tank has been running for over a year no problems

That doesn't really make any sense. If you are suggesting that changing the filter cartridges caused the nitrate level to suddenly skyrocket...sorry, no. If you removed too much bio media at once, you might experience a sudden spike in ammonia level, until the bacterial colony multiplied back to its original level. High nitrates are proof that your biomedia are supporting a healthy population of nitrifying bacteria who are doing exactly what you want them to do, I.e. converting ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate. The nitrates gradually build up until you remove them by changing enough water often enough to keep them at reasonable levels.

If you have 40ppm of nitrates after a water change, I shudder to think what they were before the change. So, yes, you made a "big mistake"...but the mistake was not doing enough water changing all along. The answer is...anyone?...anyone?...CHANGE MORE WATER! A lot more...right now to reduce the nitrate level...and on an ongoing basis to prevent your tank water from turning back into stale urine again.

I'll leave others to determine what exactly that is on that fish's head; to me it looks like some type of wound. Whatever it is, your water lack-of-quality makes it difficult for the fish to heal. Treat the fish to a clean healthy environment. Clean water, all by itself, solves a huge number of such problems, and prevents even more.
I just did another water change, will check levels tomorrow, and yes you are right about the cycle, but the levels of nitrate have never been this high, so will do weekly water changes and keep checking, but again the tank has never had a single fish die or get sick until now…
I just did another water change, will check levels tomorrow, and yes you are right about the cycle, but the levels of nitrate have never been this high, so will do weekly water changes and keep checking, but again the tank has never had a single fish die or get sick until now…

...and the oscar and likely the other fish were much smaller four months ago, and priduced much less waste. Then they grew, ate more, excreted more and caused the nitrates to increase much faster, so that your old water change schedule no longer suffices. It is an old and oft-repeated story.

It doesn't matter if you had no problems previously, bedause you have one now.
As tlindsey tlindsey said it looks to be HITH and as both tlindsey and jjohnwm jjohnwm said it because of poor water conditions the disease took hold. The wound is far too deep and odd shaped for it to be likely a scrape or bite. It's not just knocked off scales but is eroding the underlying flesh etc. Also worth mentioning is that hole probably didn't start out that big and the faster you catch it the better just mentioning it just in case of a relapse. I have heard Oscars have a reputation for being prone to HITH. Some citing overbreeding for the industry as a possible reason. How true that is I don't know as I've never had my Oscars develop HITH but I usually buy uncommonly imported location Wild Caught Oscars. But it at least warrants mentioning and trying to stay a little more vigil when dealing with Oscars in my opinion.

I also understand where you are coming from when something like this seems to come out of nowhere. I believe most of us have been there when we feel everything was good in our tank and a disease or death seems to come out of nowhere but it actually doesn't. Fish are wild animals and are either instinctively or biologically programmed to look and act normal even if they are sick. Remember in nature predators target the old, young or sick first as they are easier targets. As such animals will do what they can to appear okay until the disease has progressed to a stage where they can't anymore.

There is a couple of stickies in this section about HITH if you'd like more detailed info on it's causes and possible treatments at various stages. At this stage your best bet in my opinion is Metronidazole in combination with water changes. As mentioned by RD. RD. in his sticky, Metro is not easily soluble in water so it is more effective if administered internally/orally. Dosing instructions can be found on the packaging of the medication and as said for it to be most effective it should be administered orally with a pipette or syringe with no needle. Another way to administer orally is you can go with something like Kensfish Metro and garlic stick. It has Metro in it and Garlic to help with the palatability issues fish have with Metro's bitter taste. I personally still soak the stick in Garlic Guard and Vitachem. Soaking makes the pellets easier to be consumed and the Vitachem hopefully helps boost the weakened fish bounce back.

I wish you good luck and hope you keep us updated. Also tank size, filters and tankmates maybe useful info to give especially if there winds up being a secondary bacterial infection.