If you do go Oscar, check out the wild types, a member here has some beautiful ones, much prettier than any line bred coloration in my opinion,
has threads on them

+1 and I’m pretty sure Steve at exoticfishshop gets them regularlyIf you do go Oscar, check out the wild types, a member here has some beautiful ones, much prettier than any line bred coloration in my opinion,Ansorgii has threads on them
Welcome aboardHey Punchichip,
This is my first post here. I decided to join, after reading posts I want to reply to for quite awhile. Yours fit that bill, so here goes:
I would vote Oscar as well. I have a decent sized footlong Oscar. He was in a 125 for awhile. I recently upgraded the tank to a 180. Granted, it is the same 6 foot width, but I noticed an immediate appreciation for the added width. He seems to utilize all of it, and shows what I perceive to be actual enjoyment, along with just being less moody. (Oscars WILL let you know how they feel.) I wish I had upgraded his tank sooner, and I'd almost say that a 180 may be the smallest tank I'd put an Oscar in going forward.
I know you mentioned Acaras. I have an EBA in with him, and they get along just fine. Your mileage may vary. Good luck!
Welcome to the forum!Thanks for the warm welcome! I have been lurking beneath the surface for quite awhile...haha. I actually started up my tanks a few years back as something to interest my very young son. I wound up going down the rabbit hole myself.
I started with mollies and platies, and "inherited" an axolotl. (separate tank, of course.)
I also started taking care of a tank at my old job, which was BADLY neglected for years. The only fish in it was a senior banded leporinus. He was about 8 years old at the time. I have no idea how he survived the neglect. Nitrates were roughly 500ppm, and PH was around 4.5-5.0. I think it was the definition of Old Tank Syndrome....but he survived. I slowly did daily small waterchanges over the course of 2 weeks to get him used to fresh, clean water.
Long story short, I got an adult Oscar to be his tankmate. The Leporinus was NOT having it, and nearly killed the Oscar within the first few hours. I didn't think the O was going to make it. I took him home, threw him in a 20 gallon hospital tank, with salt and water changes 2x daily. He started swimming 2 days later, and eating about 5 days later.
I had an empty 125 which was going to be a planted livebearer tank. Needless to say, plans changed. I became a true Oscar-lover, and he now resides in a 180.
(And the ol' timer Banded Leporinus is still kicking at age 11 or 12....as the sole resident of his tank at my old job. I visit him weekly.)
Sorry to derail a great thread...but I have to vote Oscar!
Hey Punchichip,
This is my first post here. I decided to join, after reading posts I want to reply to for quite awhile. Yours fit that bill, so here goes:
I would vote Oscar as well. I have a decent sized footlong Oscar. He was in a 125 for awhile. I recently upgraded the tank to a 180. Granted, it is the same 6 foot width, but I noticed an immediate appreciation for the added width. He seems to utilize all of it, and shows what I perceive to be actual enjoyment, along with just being less moody. (Oscars WILL let you know how they feel.) I wish I had upgraded his tank sooner, and I'd almost say that a 180 may be the smallest tank I'd put an Oscar in going forward.
I know you mentioned Acaras. I have an EBA in with him, and they get along just fine. Your mileage may vary. Good luck!