oscar w/pimple like bump


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
Possibly Hexamita.

My texas just got over a case of it. Up the temperature a bit and add some salt.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2009
HITH doesn't cause bumps, it causes holes, so I don't think that's what's going on here. Only the OP can determine for sure, of course, but this sounds some sort of physical trauma.


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2009
Big Dempsey;3608828; said:
my young oscar has what appears to be a pimple looking bump on its bottom jaw is it something i should b concerned with ? or will it go away , any info / treatment needed woul b greatly appreciated !thanks much!
"A pair of breeding Oscars will go through various rituals such as lip locking, also known as jaw locking, you may also notice them chasing each other around the tank, nipping at each other and performing what sometimes looks like a very rough behaviour. Your Oscars may perform all of these strange behaviours, or just a couple. It is quite rare, but sometimes they don't do any of them. if you do start seeing your Oscars performing these strange behaviours, don't get too excited, it can often be many months before they actually start laying eggs. A short time before they start laying eggs, one or maybe even two days, they will go off their food. You will have probably observed them acting strangely such as excavating the substrate, as in picking up mouthfuls of gravel/sand and moving it to another part of the tank.

If your Oscars have located somewhere to lay eggs, such as a flat rock then they will become extremely protective towards this area and no other fish will be allowed anywhere near it. Oscars like to give the rock a thorough clean using their lower jaw. The strange protrusion that many Oscars develop on their lower jaw is in almost the exact spot that they use to clean the rock. It certainly makes you think that this may have something to do with this type of behaviour. At feeding time, your Oscars may still come up for food but you may notice them swimming straight back to their rock after maybe only eating a small amount of food. You must be aware that Oscars are fairly strong fish and are more than capable of moving large flocks around the tank. I would strongly advise you not to put the rock there any breakable objects such as heaters. The Oscar shouldn't have the strength to break the aquarium glass, if it has, you are using the wrong type of tank. A day or two before the Oscars lay eggs, they will probably go off their food. As in nature, the fish will also stop eating when they spawn. Oscars more than often lay their eggs in the evening, or at night. So in many circumstances, many people wake up to a very nice surprise."

please check whether this pimple or protrusion is in the center of the lower jaw most american cichlids have this for the above reason.
i have read this in many websites the above one i got from here:http://http://www.oscarfishlover.com/breeding-oscar-fish
good luck


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2009
Lump on Oscars Chin

At some stage in your Oscars life, normally when it is approaching maturity you may notice a strange lump appear on the Oscars bottom lip. These strange protrusions can range from being a very small pimple, to a very large lump. I couldn't honestly tell you exactly why they develop these lumps but it seems to be something that Oscars develop when they approach maturity. It does seem strange that this is the part of their mouth that comes in contact with rocks when they clean them which could possibly have something to do with this.
Sometimes they do look quite sore as they may turn red, or even look like they have erupted open. From my experience, these strange abnormalities are very common and should not worry you unduly. However, if infection does look like it has set in, you could try medicating the tank. However, I'm very much in favour of contacting a vet if the fish looks like it has a serious infection so bear this in mind."
check this also


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2009
Wow that definitely looks like what's going on! I'll have to remember that... I hope the OP stops back in to check so he or she will know as well.