• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Papyrocranus afer (reticulated african knifefish) question...

Same but mine is only 12", he chases some smaller 5-7 inch cichlids about at times,no damage tho.
Not sure about an 18"er, I would imagine it could be quite territorial, what's it living with in its current tank?
I would love to see some pictures of a confirmed 18" afer, please share:)

Hot dang, 18 inch retic? Post pics please.

Yeah its probably going to see the smaller plecos as food at that size, as would any fish that big. I almost guarantee its going to TRY to eat a pleco, though I doubt it can get through the armored skin.

Here are some pictures. The owner currently has 3 afers (18", 15" and 13") in a tank with some gars and a large black arowana. I am only interested in the 18" and my tank consists of a good amount of plecos ranging from 2.5"-9".

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Wow he has some great spots, mine is all black.. l would be worried about anything under 3" with him, they are predatory.
Bit of a gamble but I reckon a good chance all will be good. That's basing my opinion on my afer tho.
Wow he has some great spots, mine is all black.. l would be worried about anything under 3" with him, they are predatory.
Bit of a gamble but I reckon a good chance all will be good. That's basing my opinion on my afer tho.

That's what I am hoping as well!

I'm not sure how they would get along with each other but I doubt that the plecos would be on their radar.

I'm probably going to just get the biggest one. The owner said all three of them grew up together since 5", but from what you guy are saying it looks like they will get much more aggressive with each other when they get older.
In case I missed it or forgot,which suzes tank do you have?They may get along with enough space.
8x2x30T, 300g
Plenty of room.They might actually do well especially since the seller said that they have grown up and have lived together up to this point.