To answer y'alls questions. Stuck your fish is a female, (round body short fins) males are slimmer and fins get very elongated.
The next fish pictured is some kind of Amphilophus, not the same.
I purposly list my fish as Parachromis cf loiselli "La Ceiba" so that people will not confuse them with the domestic loiselli. Rusty "thinks" they are a form of loiselli and that is why I list them as cf loiselli, but personally I do believe that they are loiselli and think they are a new species. I originally listed them as Parachromis sp "Warreni" after my friend who caught all 7 of the wild fish ever caught and only 5 wild fish exist in the hobby. So if anyone says they have a wild fish beside me, Rusty or Warren he's a lier. No DNA has been sent off for testing that I know of. You'd have to have samples collected from wild fish of all the know Parachromis species to comapre it to for identification, sending something off for testing sounds good, but there has to be a database to comapre to, which does not exist to my knowledge. This fish has a very isolated distribution in the Rio Danto Drainage, Honduras, just north of La Ceiba. It has only been caught in one lagoon several miles from the main river. None of the fish we have were caught in the Rio Danto and Rapps in my opinion has them mislabled, but yes his are the same fish. He got them from Rusty's pair. Right now I know of only three breeding pairs in existenece. Mine and Rusty's wild pairs and Mo has a pair of F1 he got from Rusty that recently bred. The first two fish Warren caught were too big to bring back and were relased. This past May's trip we went back to the lagoon and all the trees had been cut down for developement and the lagoon was polluted and had an oil slick on the surface and little if anything was alive in it. So no more of these fish may ever be collected. Rusty thinks they caught the same fish years ago in the Rio Danto, but we have not found it in the river in recent trips. Hopefully it does exist there. But things have really changed (lots of development) in in that area of Honduras in recent years. So keep them pure folks, don't cross them with anything except fish from me, Rusty, Jeff or Mo that are listed as Yellow head, La Ceiba or Rio Danto. Ken