unless you have them direct from the wild there ph that they where born or raised in is usaually around 7.0 to 7.5.(if they are wild caught you might have to copy there ph that they are use too,but captive bred usually thrive in the ph they are accustomed too. And i doubt anyone would be able to copy thier exact wild water conditions in a home aqaurium,we can get close but not exact. I have raised vieja and paratheraps for years and have never had on thrive at 8.5(kept a few in a tank that was setup for africans,just put them in the same setup after the african were sold and they did ok but never thrived)when i learned more about them and put them in my tank with my oscars(ph7.5)the bred for me and continue to breed to this day. But this is just my experience. I have met alot of people in the hobby from breeders to people who raise show fish and i have never meet anyone who keeps them above 8.