• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Paretroplus Maculatus

Yes the polleni get on fine, they do have the occasional tiff which only lasts for afew hours so i have some large tubes hidden behind the driftwood if female needs to hide and chill for abit.
The polleni were in my mbuna tank for ages while i got my small fish room sorted and they never bothered or ate any fish and all seemed very calm. They seem more aggressive on larger fish that they see as a threat and also when they were in a smaller tank for a while their aggression increased, if they have the space they are much better. When the male attacks he body slams the other fish real quick and hard, not seen him bite anyone, only me when i feed him lol.
Yet my polleni babys are always charging each other and are alot more aggressive.
regards Angel
MArk Denaro of Anubiasdesign has Paretroplus Maculatus listed on an Indonesian import list he will be ordering from in a few weeks. If you have a Yahoo account his site is Anubias Design. Go to the files section and click on Indonesian List.
Wow just amazing. those are beautiful fish in a beautiful tank. Good Luck with them. If you're not yet a member, try joining yahoo groups Madfish. Lots of Malagasy fish keepers as well as a few of the notable scientists who have done research on them as well as discovered them. Good Luck again!