Well, Ive been keeping fish for over 20 years and never seen this before...Last night when I got home one of my Male Flower Horns was nose up in the tank, sitting with his tail on the gravel, head poked straight up. He swims with his front fins (pectoral) only and cant (or wont) move his body or tail. His fins are clamped, and occasionaly he shudders. I have no idea what could be wrong with him, he will lay flat on the bottom at a slight lean, but when he starts moving around he noses up and will not move his tail, fins remain clamped. he did eat, with difficulty due to his immobility, but this morning he is still in this paralyzed appearing state. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?? I am wondering if he may have some kind of spine injury, his outter apperance is fine.