perch suffering from swim bladder issues

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I’ve redose prazipro on sick fish and no issues. I’d redose. Can always add half doses at a time and watch till full dose given.
yeah that’s what i was thinking, the bottle direction states that it can be redosed every three days but the lifespan of praziquental as a compound only lasts maybe a day and a half before it completely degrades
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did some more drastic measures and moved him into an expel p solution for around a day before i moved him back to the main tank, he’s doing a bit worse but he’s been in a full 20 hours of expel p

i noticed maybe callamanus worms under his gill after it became a bit more transparent?

not sure if i should continue doing one day expel p treatments in the qt then moving him back
not sure if these even are cal worms
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kinda looks like a worm tho


If it’s already moved to a qt tank then I’d leave it alone and avoid any more stress. Hard to tell from under the gill but I’d cont the expel-p for now.
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If it’s already moved to a qt tank then I’d leave it alone and avoid any more stress. Hard to tell from under the gill but I’d cont the expel-p for now.

no clue what that orangish red strand is though
i’ll probably WC tommorow and redose prazi

though my qt kinda sucks atm, it’s just got a small heater and bubbler

the heater might not even be working
As of march 9, 2025 at 4:26 pm my perch has passed.

unfortunately he did not make it through the medcine

perhaps i was too hasty in administering too many medications or took too long to give him proper medications, nonetheless he has passed today.

i scooped him up and examined the body and it seems that there has been a lighter stripe that has formed across his side. i also opened the gills and found nothing too out of the ordinary, seems like the orange and red things were blood vessels perchance. he likely passed from stress, deriving from when i moved him from the qt from the main.

i also noticed some red spots below his chin which reminded me of septicemia in a way but im unsure.

i wrapped him up in as good as a burial i could

rest in piece





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Sorry for the loss.