RTGG was being a giant jerk picking on my flagtail so I traded him and my Royal Clown knife in for this guy. 24" Lapredei. He has to darken up, but he has awesome potential!
Edit: Oh, and later this week there should be 3 more additions (one of which is a sad story) to the MFK house!
Maybe, shall see. I'm getting my to Congicus tomorrow and may replacement Palmas Palmas (mine sadly jumped after the move and I didn't notice until the next day).
New pickups, 1 Congicus and 1 Palmas Palmas as mine sadly jumped. Damn was she a sharp looking fish. Also a pick of my new gar since they didn't have the 2nd congicus. I'll be getting that in the coming weeks, me and the LFS had a slight misunderstanding, no worries, they make it right and take care of me well.
Holy smokes, been almost a year since I've showed any of my fish. Well, today I purchase a WC ornate which has a unique coloration, and another weeksii. Move my larger congicus, approaching 10-11" in the green net. I will try and get some better pics of the rest in the tank during the coming week. Also, the 125 is going to be upgraded to a ~250 this month, pickup the tank this weekend. Super stoked!
Been a long while since I have posted/shared. Things have changed. My plywood tank sprung a leak along the bottom of the glass, ruining the plywood itself, looking back, I should have taken the time to do the fiberglass on the inside. So, I had to replace that tank and now have a 400G acrylic for my monsters. I won't bore with just an update though, here are a couple images of two of the more active bichirs in the tank! As a reference on the Weeksii swimming along the side panel, that is a 4' wide panel and tank height is 24".
I'll try to be more active as this incident last fall has caused me to be more active with the tanks and keeping fish again.