Please confirm this is the correct dosage for levamisole HCL, thanks!


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Yeah, I'm only saying that now, because I had no idea what this fish had been treated for since you purchased it? In fact, I don't know any history on this particular fish, other than what I have gathered along the way here and there in various threads that you have started. Which is precisely why I asked whether he had been dewormed, or not, in one of your other threads. No one here has a crystal ball, which is why it is always uber important to post as much history and detailed information as possible, and keep everything in one thread, not several threads, where information can become mixed up or completely missed. What may not seem important to one person, can ultimately become very important when "guesstimating" a diagnosis from afar. Does that make sense?

As an example, your fish was shedding intestinal lining twice a day (clear feces), or more, every day - but you initially left that detail out - making it sound like it wasn't all the time. That was a pretty important detail, and Mike (Tarheel) and I picked up on that straight away. Treating for S. vorten was important, it wasn't the wrong medicine, you still would have had to treat with Metro, The fact that you still saw "some" S. vortens in your initial smear probably means it was/is still lingering in the background, but deworming was/is also important, which clearly got missed along the way. Live and learn.

In one of your more recent threads you listed what his diet was, I also suggested dropping worms from his diet, because I know from experience that this species can have a somewhat sensitive gastrointestinal system, and meaty foods are probably best avoided. Other experienced GT keepers on MFK agree. Also, foods such as this have the *potential* to introduce pathogens/bacteria/worms. I have no idea how many red worms you have fed this fish since you purchased it, or where these worms were sourced, or handled. If there was a dietary issue, this is where I would start. And I would still highly recommend dropping worms from his diet.

There is a practical way to approach most of these kinds of issues (gastrointestinal) and when performed early on, as in not months after the symptoms surface, they can usually be easily resolved. Typically I approach all new fish in QT, as in fresh from a LFS as carrying something, then I take a wait and see approach & treat accordingly. So gastrointestinal issues are treated for S. vortens, and if that is not 100% effective and I suspect worms, I treat with Levamisole and/or Praziquantel. I haven't had to use a dewormer in several years, the former I have been lucky enough to resolve by feeding metro soaked food, or more recently, NLS Hex-Shield.

Certainly a microscope helps pinpoint the type of problem, but from what you described you had more than one issue, which again is why I suspected worms and in a different recent thread asked about whether this fish had ever been dewormed? I'm not that good at guessing games. How you treated this fish, and its duration and quantity, was your choice, and your choice only. Again, live and learn.
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MFK Member
Jun 20, 2015
Are you adding the levamisole straight to the tank or soaking his food in it again? Gonna grab some for my gt and see if it does the trick. Can only find it in liquid for. Kursuri discus wormer has recently been outlawed here in Australia.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2016
Cambridge, Ontario
Right to the tank as he is no longer eating more than just a tiny bit of food a day. Since the metro was done Kai has been repidly getting worse. Clear stringy poop like all day long.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2016
Cambridge, Ontario
I should mention that it's now just been 24 hours since dosing and I am about to do a huge water change.

Kai is definitely acting differently through the day. Alot more skittish and antsy kind of attitude. It's 100% the meds. I'm sure after a big water change / vac he will be good though.

I didn't see him expel any worms but clear thin stuff almost non stop.


MFK Member
Feb 2, 2015
North Carolina
So just to be sure about the dose ... you added a little less than 1/4 teaspoon Levamisole HCI to your tank (75 gallons)?

The sick fish I've treated with callamanas were too lethargic and withdrawn to have acted spooked but healthy fish I treated never never showed any symptoms. I once used it at 4-5 pmm on a JD tank that had tiny hair-thin 1/4" detritus nematodes floating in the water column. It looked to me like it devastated many of the worms within only minutes. (Fish showed no symptoms).

I've read that it only paralyzes the worms but I can't understand that, at least not in the case mentioned above. I'm wondering if there's something toxic released by the dead (or paralyzed) worms that Kai has to deal with?


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2016
Cambridge, Ontario
Now that the first round is complete is it safe to assume that Kai will continue to pass clear waste for a bit? Or is that first 24 hours the enough time that everything should be cleared out?

I plan to do 2 more rounds waiting a few weeks in between. Just wondering what to expect in terms of his feces now.



MFK Member
Feb 21, 2016
Cambridge, Ontario
Crap... I just read that I should of had the tank blacked out for the treatment...

I dosed at night but light was still on the tank for about 3 hours. Would this of destroyed the medication and ruined treatment??

Also read something about storing the medication in the fridge is this true? I had it under my tank, would it be garbage now?

I didn't realize it was light sensitive..

The tank is in an area of my house that is light indirectly by outside light. Do I need to cover up the tank for the next treatment with a drop cloth or something? How sensitive is this stuff?