• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Please read before asking if you have a Midas or Red Devil

To me they both can look rather nice, I guess it comes down to the individual owner and the individual fish, and what is eye candy for you.
Very nicely done. I have been all over the net trying to find info on this and you summed it up perfectly!
nice thread ....

midevil as u call them are now everywhere i never see a pure red devil - for a long time - in our LFS or local fish farms even some LFS lately got another fish and labeled it as rd devil coz no one have seen the rd devil beside the midas or the midevil in reality to get the different between ....

the main and the biggest problem in mdevil "i like the name" is they took all the properties from midas and red devil so u can see the big lips and a big kok a wide bodies

i read a nice article on oscarfish forum
here some pic. he used to compare between midas and red devil by using Jeff Rapps (tangledupincichlids)'s pic
written & photo editing by ~Rush~


A. labiatus (left) and A. citrinellus (right)

A. labiatus (left) and A. citrinellus (right)

A. labiatus (left) and A. citrinellus (right)


A. labiatus (left) and A. citrinellus (right)

thanks for that gr8 article

where are the pics? I am trying to id an adult!
where are the pics? I am trying to id an adult!

The pics are no longer on that members page, but it doesn't really matter, you cannot tell the genetics of a fish by photos, especially with these 2 species of amphilophus. Hence the reason this was made a sticky.