Plywood aquarium build

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Well had a leak that I had to fix, got it filled to top and had a tiny leak at top to fix. Holding water beautifully now . My leaks were tiny air bubbles that I had missed, dummy on my part lol, lessons learned. Had to try my drains and pump as well, I have to say the jabao 15000 is quite impressive, quiet as can be, can't even hear it runningIMG_20161018_122516356.jpg IMG_20161019_063014280.jpg
Finally got my tank going, needed space in garage so was kind of forced into setting it up. It runs so dang quiet, much quieter than the hob filter on the 75. Going to wait until summer time and do a 3D background, the crate and bin are temporary. Gotta do the finish work on outside as well and build a coast to coast overflow, question regarding that, should I do teeth or no teeth? Still have sump work to do as well, but it is running and I am pleased with the jabao pump and bean animal.



Been doing a little work on tank as time allows. Was running drains with no overflow box, had a small aquarium that i cut bottom out of years ago so i cut it apart and built an overflow box. My next project is going to be finishing up the sump.
After the sump is finished, will be doing the finishing wood work.



So finally getting caught up on other things around house so had some time to work on tank a bit .Going to do top tomorrow and maybe start doing trim work. Got caught up in other projects and this got put on back burner for a while

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Some stain done on it, the Walnut was a bit dark but I don't think it'll look horrible, still have trim to do and finish staining it .Didn't realize molding and trim work was so complicated until I stood in home Depot for hour and half scratching my head, and then cabinet hinges
