One thing I would add, it is not a good idea to house more than one species of Paratilapia per tank.
Paratilapia are fine with other Malagasy genera, others like Paretroplus and Ptychochromis seem to be ignored.
Back in 2014 I tried to keep the two from my photos above together for a moment in a 400 gal pool, but even in that size enclosure intra-genus aggression was relentless and lethal.
Yet in tanks as small as 150 gal, the Paratilapia ignored Paretroplus. (The two above were @ 10"-12" each at the time)
One other caveat, I would not keep Paratilapia with other similarly colored (iridescently spotted) cichlids, such as Rocio (JDs)
or Herichthys (Texas cichlid complex), as they would probably be seen as conspecific competition.
Paratilapia are fine with other Malagasy genera, others like Paretroplus and Ptychochromis seem to be ignored.
Back in 2014 I tried to keep the two from my photos above together for a moment in a 400 gal pool, but even in that size enclosure intra-genus aggression was relentless and lethal.
Yet in tanks as small as 150 gal, the Paratilapia ignored Paretroplus. (The two above were @ 10"-12" each at the time)
One other caveat, I would not keep Paratilapia with other similarly colored (iridescently spotted) cichlids, such as Rocio (JDs)
or Herichthys (Texas cichlid complex), as they would probably be seen as conspecific competition.