Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
More pics everyone!!!
Here is an update on the Poly Tank
1 senegal
1 ropefish
1 peacock eel
1 Tiger Botia

Hopefully I can order a delhezi to go with my senegal and rope soon.

*Sorry about lighting is much better both light bulbs blew out need to get some new ones this weekend. Will post picture once the new bulbs are in.

Bichir Tank 001.jpg

Bichir Tank 002.jpg

Has 7-8 seneglas in the tank
Here's mine and some of it's inhabitants...




heres my 40gal growout tank.


1 senagal bichir
1 african brown knife
1 thinbar datnioide
3 tinfoil barbs

everyones under 5 inches

with flash

no flash

my datnioides fancy shmancy bubble house, spoiled little thing,:grinno:

as opposed to my knife's humble abode ( tinfoils are in the way but you get the point, and its the only pic my segagal didnt squeese into, hes the most active bichir ive ever seen)

and if you havent noticed yet, i took a car decal and put it on the back of my tank, came out pretty well since i only tried once and i couldnt see what i was doing

well thats my humble little 40gal, hope you enjoyed :D.
I already posted this one in another thread, but here it is, anyway. I already rearranged the tank, but still has the same decor. Stocklist in sig. My 10g is too boring and I don't have a pic, anyway. BTW, that's a pile of driftwood and a piece of floating driftwood on the right side. I'll get better pics later. All plants are silk or fancy plants giants.


my bichir/snakehead tank are a bit different ... totally planted.

The bichirs and snakeheads love it - i can find them in all water areas. They love to chill in the plants.
Another advantage: The plants minimize the works on the tank ... less partial water changes, better water quality.
A planted tank gives also an all-in-all more natural look ...

Here's my 330 l Tank:


Anyone may think i don't see my bichirs anymore ... no! They are less shy in a planted tank ...


I often can find my bichirs chilling this way ...

rjmtx;1101390;1101390 said:
Here's my 75 that's full of bichirs (as well as others). The tank is in transition from a Geophagus tank (hence the final cichlids-Guinacara Rio Caronis), and I have finally been able to get some plants going again in the past month since I got my Geophagus iporangensis pair out that was makin babies and terrorizing the tank every month. Species in the tank are Polypterus senegalus, P. delhezi, P. palmas polli, P. palmas buettekoferi (spelling?), P. onatipinnis (grow out for a friend), Guinacara sp. Rio Caroni, Ameirus serracanthus Spotted Bullhead, Ancistrus sp., and leopard Ctenopoma. Yep, it's packed, but I'm down to one tank with water in it, and it gets lots of attention. Sorry for pic quality, it's about time for a new camera...

BTW-that's sandstone in there. The holes are fossilized animal burrows. The flat pieces have ripples on them, and eventually I want to get some Anubias to root in the ripples.
nice 75... even have the same filter i do lol.
elbeatch;876826; said:
looking at those pics again, you can't really tell there are 10 polys in there, I can't even see one.

I have to say that you have the best looking piece of centerpiece driftwood I have probably ever seen. I have to have a piece that looks like that!!!