Here's my 75 that's full of bichirs (as well as others). The tank is in transition from a Geophagus tank (hence the final cichlids-
Guinacara Rio Caronis), and I have finally been able to get some plants going again in the past month since I got my
Geophagus iporangensis pair out that was makin babies and terrorizing the tank every month. Species in the tank are
Polypterus senegalus, P. delhezi, P. palmas polli, P. palmas buettekoferi (spelling?), P. onatipinnis (grow out for a friend), Guinacara sp. Rio Caroni,
Ameirus serracanthus Spotted Bullhead,
Ancistrus sp., and leopard
Ctenopoma. Yep, it's packed, but I'm down to one tank with water in it, and it gets lots of attention. Sorry for pic quality, it's about time for a new camera...

BTW-that's sandstone in there. The holes are fossilized animal burrows. The flat pieces have ripples on them, and eventually I want to get some
Anubias to root in the ripples.