Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

fake driftwood piece on the right has been replaced with a larger one, no picks though. main fish of the tank are 2 senegals, 1 del, and an ABK with a couple others (firemouth, op gourami, and rainbow shark) - the sens are soon to be transferred to the 75 though as soon as my oscar is rehomed, hard to think I got them at about 2.5 inches in october and now they're right around 6"


baby del who will be in the 45 for at least a few months before going in with the big boys, had him for about a month i guess probably a little less


it isn't much, but I like it :P , sorry for the water spots on the outside of the glass in the last pic, did water changes about an hour before hand and hadnt wiped it down very well
This is my current setup. It's 52" long x 20" wide x 26" deep. 443 Litres


1x Ornatipinnis
1x Senegalus
2x Delhezi
1x Tiger Oscar
4x Silver Dollars
1x Gold Spot Sailfin Plec

I know I have to be careful of the plec and I keep a close eye on him. To date he's never bothered any of the polypterus.

Within the coming months this tank will be going and I'll be moving the fish to a 1300 litre indoor pond.

Here mine
55 gallon
1 del
1 Ansorgii x Endlicheri
1 Endlicheri
^all females.
new pics 003.jpg
new pics 002.jpg