Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
here is my 224 gallon.... with driftwood, lava rocks, real/fake plants, and sand. going to be redecorating soon.

pic with and without flash.


spoof, ever thought of adding some live plants, or just something to give that tank more charector or something to take up the top portion of the tank?
Great looking tank XRAYZ
X24;877815; said:
spoof, ever thought of adding some live plants, or just something to give that tank more charector or something to take up the top portion of the tank?
are you talking about the 3rd pic? that was how it looked like before i made the plants. actually, I'm planning on getting a driftwood with live plants anchored to it. still waiting for a big enough piece from my supplier.
as a top dweller, i'm considering a green aro and/or dats. would that be nice? :D
green aro would look NICE! if only green's color got as intense as red's.
Fruitbat... dude... you gotta tell my what lighting system you are using in the smaller tanks to get the plants to flourish like that. I'm so jealous. I want something like that!


The lighting in all of those tanks is the standard fluorescent fixture that came with them. I just made sure that I picked plants that do well in lower light levels. The plants in the 10 gallon are Aponogeton boivianus, Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus) and Water Sprite (Ceratopteris sp.). The 20 long has Water Sprite, Vallisneria spiralis and Anubias nana. The 100 gallon has various species of Aponogeton, including A. ulvaceus and A. crispus.

Water Sprite is just about the ultimate aquarium plant. It will grow like a weed in low to moderate light and will completely fill your tank if you give it a chance. If you simply allow it to float it will quickly turn into a mass of plant material that young bichirs love to hang out in.

David R;875660; said:
He's my 4'x20"x20", home to my ornate (and currently my palmas)

I'm setting up a temporary 3'x18"x18" for my palmas as the ornate seems to have taken a dislike to it (and he nearly swallowed one of my clown laoches!!) I'll get some pics of that up soon.
I LOVE that piece of Drift wood!
Was dug out of a swam on a friends ex-gf's parents farm a few years ago, was waterblasted and soaked for ages before spending a few years in his tank. I only got it a few weeks ago, the only thing I don't like is how short the top of it has been cut, but I guess the farmer wasn't thinking about the potential for aquarium decoration when he was chopping down the trees. :irked:

Here's the 3'x18x18" I just set up for the palmas.

Was going to be a community type tank for my GF, but she's had to take my clown loaches, palmas and one uaru! The ornate was trying to eat the CL's and was having a go at the palmas, and the two larger uaru weren't keen for a threesome so the small one was getting picked on. The penguin tetra's are slowly dissapearing, expensive feeders :(