150 gallon tall tank home to only two albino senegal bichirs male and female pair. Who I actually witnessed breed,to bad the eggs I saved were not fertile. I think they are short body 5.5 inch and 5 inch they seem mature since they are already attempting breeding.
the seal went on the 3ft on the last page so had to move everything over to this tank prematurely, I still need plants for it but it's getting there slowly
10 minutes after I posted that last picture, I went to the lfs and bought some new plants and some fine gravel, love the plants not sure about the gravel though.
10 minutes after I posted that last picture, I went to the lfs and bought some new plants and some fine gravel, love the plants not sure about the gravel though.
Grow out tank for my new Lap and Lapxendli. Also has my Molly breeders that I use for producing feeders for my flounder and others that wont take anything but live.