Geo. Origin: Known from the Rio Mamoré, Rio Guaporé and Madre de Dios drainages in both
Bolivia and Peru.
Diet: Carnivore (Cichild pellets as staple diet, meaty foods like prawn and mussel for treats)
Gender Differences: Male is the larger fish, is more colourful and has extended dorsal and anal fins.
Breeding: likely to be similar to other cichlasoma species and their relatives if theres not much info on it i wouldnt of thought thay breed easy
Temperament: Peaceful (Community of medium to large fish)
Conspecific Temperament: Can be kept in a Species tank
Maximum Size: 4.4" (11cm)
Temperature: 74 - 80°F (23 - 27°C)
pH: 6.5 - 7.4
Water Hardness: Up to 15°H
Difficulty: 3
Tank Size: 36" x 15" x 12" (90cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 100 litres for a pair.
Availability: Quite rare im thinking with not much ifo on them?
here are some pics of my pair. still small color well get better as they get bigger.