K Katevo Feeder Fish MFK Member Jul 9, 2007 64 3 0 41 USA www.myspace.com May 5, 2008 #11 i'd be hella interested. fishgirl u could catch a ride with me for some gas money lol
V vanillaxtiffy Feeder Fish MFK Member May 8, 2008 25 0 0 FL May 8, 2008 #12 I'd be interested in going. I'm near boston, but the boyfriend lives in chicopee. Depends on when it is though.
I'd be interested in going. I'm near boston, but the boyfriend lives in chicopee. Depends on when it is though.
T Trippingpara Gambusia MFK Member May 10, 2008 268 0 16 New England May 11, 2008 #13 I'm interested. Any idea on when?