B blkg35 Candiru MFK Member Nov 24, 2008 #251 Just saw this thread and I'm lovin' it. Here's some of my frontosas. PICTURE HEAVY.....BE WARNED.... F1 - 5 African Diving moba juvies F0 - 3 Kitumba Females F0 2M/9F Moba Frontosa
Just saw this thread and I'm lovin' it. Here's some of my frontosas. PICTURE HEAVY.....BE WARNED.... F1 - 5 African Diving moba juvies F0 - 3 Kitumba Females F0 2M/9F Moba Frontosa
P phuket_fishtank Feeder Fish Dec 5, 2008 #252 Hello everybody.This 's frist post and sorry about my language. This 's my little frontosa. Video http://www.flixya.com/video/1609840/My_cichlid_tank
Hello everybody.This 's frist post and sorry about my language. This 's my little frontosa. Video http://www.flixya.com/video/1609840/My_cichlid_tank
freshwaterfishing Feeder Fish MFK Member Dec 5, 2008 #253 Here are a couple of new pics of my Fronts (well my one front the other one was sleeping i think in his rock lol.)since ive gotton my new camera.
Here are a couple of new pics of my Fronts (well my one front the other one was sleeping i think in his rock lol.)since ive gotton my new camera.
J Jamieishard Fire Eel Dec 17, 2008 #256 new pic of toastey.. he just keeps getting prettier... hard to amagine when i got him his top fin was almost gone and he was beaten up by a burundi 4x his size...i also have a red stripe named rusty.....also a total cutie... the tank they share with severums...
new pic of toastey.. he just keeps getting prettier... hard to amagine when i got him his top fin was almost gone and he was beaten up by a burundi 4x his size...i also have a red stripe named rusty.....also a total cutie... the tank they share with severums...
C cichlidgirl Feeder Fish MFK Member Dec 17, 2008 #257 Here are some pics of my fronts in moonlights and regular with a flash. Here they are with flash : Mpimbwe : My burundi : Here is waldo, my black burundi, he is not jet black anymore but still darker than the rest of them.
Here are some pics of my fronts in moonlights and regular with a flash. Here they are with flash : Mpimbwe : My burundi : Here is waldo, my black burundi, he is not jet black anymore but still darker than the rest of them.
R reiger Feeder Fish MFK Member Dec 23, 2008 #259 here are some of my blue zaire, i have 9 in this tank