• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Go S. Vettel #1 rb8
Hello All,

This is the side of the hobby where I spent the last 5 years. I wanted to share some pics.

- 5 Pterophyllum Scalare "Manacapuru"
- 2 Pterophyllum Scalare "Peruvian Altum"
- 4 Crenicichla Regani
- 4 Microgeophagus Ramirez (German Blue Rams)
- 5 Microgeophagus Altispinosa (Bolivian Ram)
- 7 Melanotaenia Bosemani
- 7 Melanotaenia Parva
- 8 Hyphesobrycon Pulchiprinnis (Lemon Tetras)

Algae Crew
- 4 Siamensis
- 2 Reticulated Flying Fox
- 9 Otocinclus
- 2 Bushynose Plecos
- 9 Amano Shrimp
- 3 Black Mollies
- 6 Olive Nerite Snails​
Attached Thumbnails

2012 2112.JPG The begining of my new planted project

2012 2112.JPG
This is my 75 gallon planted aquarium. 75 gallon 1-9-13.jpg
It currently houses 3 Red Turquoise Discus, 5 Neon tetras, 5 Black tetras, 5 Blue & Red Tetras, 5 Lampeye tetras, about 15 infant Angelfish, 3 green Croydoras Cats & 6 infant Green Dragon Bristlenose. Amongst many variety of plants.
Local quratz and wood are used as decoration to simulaute a somewhat Amozonian look.
I use a marineland biowheel HOT filter. 2 150 watt heaters & digital thermometer. a small powerhead for circulation on both ends of the system. The lighting is a coralife 67k and a coralife blue atintic 48in T5.
I add Brightwell planted tank additives regularly. And check my water parameters EOD.
I feed Hikari Discus Formula and a South American chilid formula. Frozen.

75 gallon 1-9-13.jpg
View attachment 867582
This is my 75 gallon planted aquarium.
It currently houses 3 Red Turquoise Discus, 5 Neon tetras, 5 Black tetras, 5 Blue & Red Tetras, 5 Lampeye tetras, about 15 infant Angelfish, 3 green Croydoras Cats & 6 infant Green Dragon Bristlenose. Amongst many variety of plants.
Local quratz and wood are used as decoration to simulaute a somewhat Amozonian look.
I use a marineland biowheel HOT filter. 2 150 watt heaters & digital thermometer. a small powerhead for circulation on both ends of the system. The lighting is a coralife 67k and a coralife blue atintic 48in T5.
I add Brightwell planted tank additives regularly. And check my water parameters EOD.
I feed Hikari Discus Formula and a South American chilid formula. Frozen.