Tank has only been running a few weeks so the plants have a lot of filling in to do yet.
2 x 72" Beamswork DA FSPEC LED .50W
1 x 48" LED Blue/White I can't remember the details...lol It's from my old setup.
Weekly dosing: Flourish Excel, Flourish Potassium, Flourish Nitrogen after water changes
5lb tank roughly 1-2 bps
8 angles
2 German blue rams
15 rumy nose tetras
6 albino corydoras
1 lemon bristle nose pleco
20 Amano shrimp
25 red rili shrimp (not sure how many survivors left lol)
Plants: Cryptocoryne crispatula
Cryptocoryne flamingo
java fern
few random fern varieties that were gifted to me
christmas moss
variety of anubias
Dwarf hairgrass
random sword
onion variety also gifted to me so not exactly sure which variety
So it's my Oscar Toni's one year birthday this month. So I went and got her some plants. One sword and some jave fern. Tho the sword may be on the largeish.....side.....maybe.....
My planted nano. I have had to do 3 major trims and always replanting new pieces. Well established tank, only fert tabs when starting thw tank. This tank I use to grow plants for my big tanks lol.