• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

I have updated my little shrimp- aquascape "green plateau" due to very bad green algae problems. Plants stopped growing, algae everywhere...
looked super fluffy, but got worse and worse.
I had to put frogbite and salvinia in there to steal the nutrients vor every algae I could find.

It got better, but this is how the tank looks for now, I hope I am able to win this fight and take out the frogbite and salvinia, because it looks not that great in an aqua"-land-"scape...
My moss tree is still fighting the algae, I will have to replace the moss every now and then to prevent that... or this tree becomes a dead tree without leaves...

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What lights, ferts and possible co2 are you using? Looks like too much light.

Light is Dennerle Trocal,
very strong light I have to admit.
Ferts are Dennerle Nano daily fertilizer and the daily food for shrimp and fish. I don't vacuum the ground since it is fully overgrown by plants.
I don't add CO2 because the tank is very small and the filter does not move the surface that much, so CO2 might be ok...
I had fed almost nothing for a while to see what the shrimps do, but that got the thing started. Now as I fert almost too much and feed daily it gets better. Plants grow well and animals are happy. No new algae production except directly under the lamp, where the light is just too strong. But the frogbite loves that.
Do you know a plant that likes strong light so I can replace the javamoss?
Co2 would be good. Just very low rate, this will give the plants a tremendous boost. Stem plants are renowned for their growth rate and can be trimmed regularly when they grow too large.

I have updated my little shrimp- aquascape "green plateau" due to very bad green algae problems. Plants stopped growing, algae everywhere...
looked super fluffy, but got worse and worse.
I had to put frogbite and salvinia in there to steal the nutrients vor every algae I could find.

Look like spirogyra, green silky filamentous algae. I have the same in my shrimp bowl by the window that receives direct sunlight. It’s not bad looking algae in moderate amount and shrimp love to hang on it than to swim in open water. You can physically remove some by cutting with a scissors, but if the condition is right, it will keep coming back. Like mine, you have strong light and low CO2.

Very nicely done. What kind of fish do you have in here?
Giant danios, serpae tetras, black phantom tetras, a zig-zag eel, a black ghost knife fish, a dwarf green pike cichlid, a Mees Pimelodus catfish, three south American bumblebee catfish, a redtail shark, a farlowella catfish, an otocinclus catfish, a siamese algae eater, and a kribensis. I know it's very heavily stocked. It's my first ever tank. (Other than a goldfish bowl and a 3 gallon glofish tank when I was younger.
That's quite the mix! Do you have any plans for a larger tank eventually?