• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This is my planted 55g for mollies and plecos. :)

Upgraded from a 190ltr 48" long to this 50x19x21 327ltr


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We just hit the mark for zero ferts, not even potassium anymore... 'just add fish turds and country well water before it gets to the softner.
I have not seen this point of NON FERT usage yet.
Usually we do potassium for yellowing here and there.

Two Eheim 2217 spraybars from 2 canisters on right.
Nothing but Blue Eheim factory foam discs running top to bottom for canister media (no rock bio media, none).
Ehiem 350 skimmer under centerbrace in shadows keeps the film down.

Gobies everywhere, old amano shrimp still alive, and freshwater pipefish still alive.
-nature in a glass.



Here's my 70T planted angelfish aqaurium. It's kinda dirty right now because I just shuffled some things around haha.20191009_195804.jpg
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Furcata rainbows and Bloody Mary Cherry Shrimp.
Monte Carlo carpet with patches of S.Repens, Dwarf Hair Grass, Micro Chain Sword, and Glossostigma. Arrogant Blue, Mini Catherine, and Purple Kedagang Buce on the driftwood. And Red Rotala, and Nesea Golden in the back.
Lit by Fluval 3.0, one bubble a second co2 for 7 hours a day. Just an aqua clear 50 gallon for filtration, I’d like to switch to a canister using glass Lilly pipes. Sooner or later. Just worried about the canister leaking.

This is my 29 Gallon Nano Tank. Home to 10 Neon Tetra, 6 Otocinclus, and 6 Amano Shrimp.

Black Blasting Sand for a substrate, but I add root tabs every 3 months. Finnex Planted Plus, and Easy Green dosing, no CO2. 1/2 the tank is Sagitaria, while the other half has 6 Anubia, 6 Anubia Petite, a large Red Rubin, a Java Fern and some Christmas Moss.

Hi all, I used to be on here about 10 yrs ago but stopped posting after moving house.I've gone for bigger community tanks these days and I set up my 650L at the start of the year to be a low tech planted community. There are 150 cardinal tetras, about 30 corydoras (various), 20 Endler guppies, 10 angelfish and a clean up crew of 10 nerite snails and lots of amano shrimp. Its filtered with a modified fx6. I don't dose CO2 but did put some fertilizer tablets beneath the vallis to get them going. Hope you like it. IanIMG-20200429-WA0030.jpgIMG_20200429_222134_360.jpg20200509_121958.jpg
Real nice I idrambo85 .
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