First two pictures are the right and the left side of the tank. Then a closeup from the left side and the middle.
It is a 135G and now stands for about two months. It has 320 watt above it. The CO2 unit is out of order, because it emptied the entire o.5 gallon gas can in one day after a broken valve. You can imagine i really stressed out, when i came home from work and saw all the fish fighting for air. lucky no casualties.
inhabitants are:
19 x Paracheirodon axelrodi
9 x Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
6 x Cambrellus patzcruensis
4 x Crossocheilus siamensis
2 x Botia macracantha
2 x Ancistrus "albino"
2 x Ancistrus "longfin"
And just bought 2 x Cleithracara Maronii
Curious about what you guys think of the tank