• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
yeh, when i do my whole brackish setup, im going to move all my fish to another aquarium of smae size, and im going to make a harcore planted tank. just gotta earn more $$
amehel0;863007; said:
...... just gotta earn more $$
Yeah, that is why we are here at Monster Fish Keepers, we all have more desire than money! Since we can not have it all (yet) we feel the need to talk about it more than what friends and family can handle.
Hi, my name is Mark, aka fish head )'>, I am a fishaholic.
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here is my new 29 gal I am trying out this high tech stuff.. PLants are all new and not grown in much yet

I am still waiting on a few plants to fill in the left side!!
yeah It's on the front left and right corners. I am starting to get some new growth

also some rotala sp. 'mini'

My fissiden wood

I also have HC, Rotala green, Rotala Colorata, and java fern planted now.

I am waitng on L aromatica, and anubias nana 'petite' to finish it off
That downoi grows really easily. I have it in my 20 gallon, and it went from three really small plants, to 30 plants in only a few months.
My newest planted 60g housing juv pike cichlids in hopes of pairing.
Haag13;884251; said:
I like that tank. Keep us updated as that moss wall fills in. That tank should look great in a month or two.
Thanks for the props and will do in regards to updates. These little c.svenis really love to hide in the mosswall. Ive also seen them burrow deep into a j.moss clump to rest. This the view I get from my bed.