Some of the shellies and set-ups my husband and I used to keep.
Right now the only true shellies we have are Lamprologus callipterus. We still have some Lamp. leloupi & Lamp. caudopunctatus.
29 gallon with a pair of Neolamprologus gracilis & pair of Telmatochromis vittatus.
10 gallon with pair of Lamp. brevis.
10 gallon with group of Lamprologus brevis
40 gallon with young Neolamp. pulcher Daffodil, Alto. comp Goldface growouts and Lamp. multifasciatus colony.
40 gallon tank with a pair of Telmatochromis vitattus.
10 gallon with Lamprologus similis
10 gallon with pair of Lamprologus leloupi
20 gallon long with Lamprologus ocellatus Gold and young Lamrologus caudopunctatus
20 gallon long with breeding pair of Lepidiolamprologus boulengeri
Breeding set-up:
20 standard with pair of Lamprologus signatus