U Unattended Fish Feeder Fish MFK Member Oct 29, 2013 #482 30B pleco tank Sent from my SGH-T999 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
M mermaiden Feeder Fish MFK Member Nov 18, 2013 #483 everyone's tanks are beautiful. i try to keep my tank nice but my o has his own ideas and usually it looks like a disaster. kind of like this.
everyone's tanks are beautiful. i try to keep my tank nice but my o has his own ideas and usually it looks like a disaster. kind of like this.
bbortko Polypterus MFK Member Dec 25, 2013 #485 My 225 wide. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
G Gar88 Plecostomus MFK Member Jan 22, 2014 #488 ^those widebars SD's looks so cool. I was to get them but they are too expensive to my taste. Very nice tanks everyone. Post away your beauties Here is my 360G after a lil change
^those widebars SD's looks so cool. I was to get them but they are too expensive to my taste. Very nice tanks everyone. Post away your beauties Here is my 360G after a lil change
S syntaxx Candiru MFK Member Jan 22, 2014 #489 Gar88 said: ^those widebars SD's looks so cool. I was to get them but they are too expensive to my taste. Very nice tanks everyone. Post away your beauties Here is my 360G after a lil change View attachment 982597 Click to expand... One hell of a tank! I like the scape. Is that a red garnet sand? What type of rocks are those?
Gar88 said: ^those widebars SD's looks so cool. I was to get them but they are too expensive to my taste. Very nice tanks everyone. Post away your beauties Here is my 360G after a lil change View attachment 982597 Click to expand... One hell of a tank! I like the scape. Is that a red garnet sand? What type of rocks are those?
Aw3s0m3 Piranha MFK Member Jan 22, 2014 #490 Not nearly my biggest tank but one of my faves just cuz of the fish in it: 3 Hydrolycus scomberoides, 1 aba aba knife and 2 goonches (HLG and B. rutilis) Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Not nearly my biggest tank but one of my faves just cuz of the fish in it: 3 Hydrolycus scomberoides, 1 aba aba knife and 2 goonches (HLG and B. rutilis) Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app