I allready posted in this thread my highest quality female but I have a couple valid points.
Most Marbles I have ever owned peak between 8 and 12 inches. After that they darken up and the pattern becomes less appealing, just like people, peak in thier late teens and into the 40s become less apealing. Some super models look great in thier prime, BUT take them out of thier prime and compare them with supermodels that are IN thier prime and it's easy to see that it's not a fair comparison.
So on behalf of the "cougar" stingrays I'm tossing up a pic of my new uber hawt old lady.
Don't know if I have ever seen a Marble this appealing over 18 inches. I've seen one that could rival her, and she lives in the same pond now. Was she better looking when younger? Sure. Is she any less appealing looking now? I don't think so, her sheer size makes up for it. Her flippers are the size of my hand.