midnight;1326782; said:dont let him scare you.lol
did he test the bubbles to see if it was just air or something toxic?lol
did the fish poop then cover it with sand like a cat?lol
i have a 100g with lots of sand and bubbles never happen and no dead fish from it.
same with my other 4 sand tanks.
i do have fish that stur it up a bit tho,as most fish will.
i like sand,changed most of my tanks from gravel to sand.
pool filter sand.
doesnt clean the greatest with a gravel vac.
i have a 24" aro with sand and he hits the sand and sand goes everywhere but settles fast.
worst part is when you put it in.
clean the sand in a bucket real good.
stick a hose in the bucket of sand,stur it up with water,poor out water to get the cloudy water out,repeat about a thousand times.
santa might be bringing me sand for my 240
can ya picture 4 bags of sand under the tree?
Thank's midnight you crack me up!!!!
Does your aro eat any of the sand when picking up food from the bottom or just spit it out???????? My aro's were going to go to bare bottom but now questionable??????? How long have your sand tank's been set up???
Hope santa brings you all that sand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!