Pumpkin seed

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Jesus dude, no need to diss the beloved flowerhorn haha.

Flowerhorn lives matter ? stop body shaming them. They’re beautiful the way they are

I'm not "dissing" them or shaming them...I'm ashamed for them... :grinno:

Just found it funny that the physical distortion of those fish extends also to their mental stability as well. They act as though they are the tough kids on the block and want to whip anything that gets in their way. It might be kind of entertaining...though cruel...to watch them have their butts handed to them by some little street-fighter fresh out of the local creek. :cry:

edited to add: Holy crap! I just read this post...and I realized that I'm...that I'm...trolling!!! ?
I'm not "dissing" them or shaming them...I'm ashamed for them... :grinno:

Just found it funny that the physical distortion of those fish extends also to their mental stability as well. They act as though they are the tough kids on the block and want to whip anything that gets in their way. It might be kind of entertaining...though cruel...to watch them have their butts handed to them by some little street-fighter fresh out of the local creek. :cry:

edited to add: Holy crap! I just read this post...and I realized that I'm...that I'm...trolling!!! ?
Kinda reminds me of my bp. Owns the tank (or at least the 50% he owns, split with the leporinus), but I can’t get past his dumb face and buck teeth. I will never take him seriously. His wife (the convict), however...
I suppose this would depend on your school of thought. I would say 75 would be minimum. Could it survive in smaller, absolutely, but there in lies the question of cruelty. A lot of what size it could survive in would depend on where it topped out. If it stayed on the smaller side a smaller tank would be ok, but you always run the risk of it maxing out at high end. Generally 4-6" is expected. But 12+ is possible.
Kinda reminds me of my bp. Owns the tank (or at least the 50% he owns, split with the leporinus), but I can’t get past his dumb face and buck teeth. I will never take him seriously. His wife (the convict), however...
Lepirinus? Heard of them before I think are they slender with stripes? Pic please. How big do they get
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Lepirinus? Heard of them before I think are they slender with stripes? Pic please. How big do they get
Many species. Mine is a banded leporinus, the fish in my profile. One of my favorite fish species. Gets to about a foot long. Many species get to about 6 inches. Not the best flowerhorn tank mate. Perhaps the nastiest fish I’ve ever kept.
Pic from 2019 September after getting in a fight with a red belly piranha. When he earned the honorary name “Deadeye” after losing an eye in the fight.04871E32-9EF0-46D7-8654-0DBEDD28B146.jpeg
Many species. Mine is a banded leporinus, the fish in my profile. One of my favorite fish species. Gets to about a foot long. Many species get to about 6 inches. Not the best flowerhorn tank mate. Perhaps the nastiest fish I’ve ever kept.
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Pic from 2019 September after getting in a fight with a red belly piranha. When he earned the honorary name “Deadeye” after losing an eye in the fight.View attachment 1463242
IT ALL MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW. your name dead eye and fish profile picture lol. Could I keep alone in a 40g? How aggressive are they
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IT ALL MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW. your name dead eye and fish profile picture lol. Could I keep alone in a 40g? How aggressive are they
Need lots of space. Mines in a 60, 75+ or really 125+ is ideal. They are powerful swimmers, but pretty lazy.
Most of their aggression is territorial. They have the same crave of dominance that cichlids do though. When on top, they run a tank like any mean cichlid.
They seem to pick a fish to hate and then harass it until it dies IME. Very relentless and practically kill for sport the way mine acts.
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Need lots of space. Mines in a 60, 75+ or really 125+ is ideal. They are powerful swimmers, but pretty lazy.
Most of their aggression is territorial. They have the same crave of dominance that cichlids do though. When on top, they run a tank like any mean cichlid.
They seem to pick a fish to hate and then harass it until it dies IME. Very relentless and practically kill for sport the way mine acts.
So it’s a no go for a 40 lol
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I would not underestimate leporinus. I've seen them kill angels randomly and gang up on big plecos.
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I would not underestimate leporinus. I've seen them kill angels randomly and gang up on big plecos.
They needed to gang up lol? Mine would take their eyes out and leave them dead solo. One even busted a divider to get to its rock that was walled off for a snail. Snail didn’t make it...
I’m pretty sure my current one killed a piranha, not by brute force, but by scaring it to run into a wall and die of a concussion. Smart little psychopaths...
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