MN_Rebel;3037082; said:
You meant a Deinosuchus tried to eat a subadult T-Rex, otherwise an fullgrown adult female T-Rex would enjoy her alligator dinner.
Will have to coment that
First of there is no way to sex most Tyranosaurus specimens, the only one to be sexed was trully a immature female based upon soft tissue preserved on its bonnes (!) The myth that female T rex were bigger and stronger then males is largely based upon circunstancial evidence. Adult T rex really come in 2 "brands" one bigger and heavier then the other but thats it. No way to know if males or females the ones that grew bigger. Second weigth by weigth and by what we know of nowadays crocs, I would say a big Deinosuchus sp was much likely capable of killing a T rex venturing too near the water line, it was stronger, heavier and probably quiker then the average T rex, also Mr rex consentrates all its weigth in 2 legs with a gravity center several meters from the ground, a fall wouldnt be pretty and much likely fatal